A few Diversified units within our Global Macro Portfolio(s)
• Overall Considerations & Interests: Effective Leadership, Management, Investments & Operations • Sustainable Growth • Exponential Scale • Prudent Stewardship • Succession Planning & Diligent Preparation • Enhanced & Perpetually Improving Continuity •
• Enterprise & Market Focuses: Superior Value & Quality | High→Superior→Growing Margins | Super Low Cost | Superior Purchasing Power | Superior Pricing Power | Specialization & Sustainability •
The eyes can see many things; however, to acutely ascertain Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding enables any Individual, Firm, Sovereign Agency or Enterprise Appreciation, Awareness, Access and Application of Keen Insight & Discernment. Dynamic Multi-Dimensional Strategy & Leadership enhances Vision, Perspective, Perception, Enhanced Shareholder's Equity & Contributable Enterprise Value. Diligence, Prudence and Precision.
Treasuries | Reserves | Exchanges | Ecosystems
≈ Prime Economies, Geographies, Natural Resources, Commodities & Markets: Liquidity, Solvency, Fungibility ≈
• Intrinsic Value, Stability, Continuation, Faith and Credit, Rights, Royalties, Precious Liquids, Minerals and Metals: (Store of Value, Medium of Exchange, Unit of Account) Availability, Abundance, Scarcity; Scheduled, Measured and Proportional Replicability; Divisibility, Irreducibility, Defined Rules Based Immutability, Compoundability, Universality, Inflation and Deflation Hedging or Neutrality. •
• Synchronized Integration & Systems Design Optimization... •